Feelings towards pearls
"Handling exquisite pearls as gemstones"
Each pearl possesses unique qualities such as size, shape, imperfections, luster, and color, much like individuals. No two pearls are alike.
In order to send into the world pearls that have been nurtured with immense effort and affection by those involved in their production, we strive to recognize and enhance the charm and individuality of each pearl. We aim to bring forth their maximum value in suitable settings, transforming them into jewelry that evokes emotion and delivers happiness to people worldwide.
Corporate Philosophy and Policies
『Integrity, Challenge, Change』
Our corporate philosophy at Eiko Pearl is,『Integrity, Challenge, Change』.
We are committed to handling negotiations with all our valued clients with sincerity. Moreover, we are dedicated to approaching assigned tasks and business endeavors with integrity and providing sincere responses.
To handle a diverse range of pearls, we have actively sought out producers worldwide to establish partnerships with farmers. Additionally, we have participated in jewelry shows globally, including Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Shanghai, and Basel, Switzerland, to expand our sales network. Moving forward, we are committed to further expanding our business with the same adventurous spirit.
Since our establishment, the pearl industry has undergone various changes. These include mass deaths in pearl oysters due to red tide events, a significant reduction in Akoya pearl production resulting from mass mortality of spat in recent years, the growth in Asian markets, and the sharp drop in pearl prices following the 2008 Lehman Shock.
Particularly noteworthy was the suspension of in-person sales globally due to the widespread impact of the novel coronavirus in 2020, affecting industries across the board. In response to these challenges, we proactively adapted to the changing landscape. In 2020, amidst the global spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, we developed an online trading app, creating an environment for online sales. By promptly adjusting to these changes, we sustained our business through the pandemic by selling pearls online to buyers worldwide.
We remain committed to adapting flexibly to the shifts in challenging times and will continue to expand our business in the future.

CEO Message

We were founded in 1963 by my father, Osamu Ogami, in Kobe. In 1978, we relocated to Tsu City, Mie Prefecture, where we have operated as a specialized pearl trading company ever since. Our range of pearls extends beyond Japanese-origin Akoya pearls to include pearls produced in the South Pacific, such as Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Tahiti. Importing cultured pearl from around the world, we apply Japan’s superior processing techniques to transform them into semi-finished or finished products, which are then exported globally.
As evident from our history, we have established local subsidiaries in Hong Kong, a key hub for Asian exports, and have participated in shows worldwide, including Basel, Switzerland, Singapore, Taiwan, and Shanghai, to promote and expand the sales of pearls.
The guiding principles of Eiko Pearls are ‘Integrity, Challenge, Change.’ We are committed to facing our customers and work with integrity, embracing new challenges, and adapting to the changes of the times. As a company, we aim to grow together with our employees. We sincerely appreciate your ongoing support.
President and CEO
Relocating our headquarters from Kobe City, Hyogo Pref. to Tsu City, Mie Prefecture
Changing the organization from a limited liability company to a corporation
Company | EIKO PEARL CO., LTD. |
Address | 10-10 Chuo, Tsu City, Mie Pref. Japan 514-0032 |
Tel | +81-59-227-5913 |
Fax | +81-59-229-7650 |
CEO | Naotaka Ogami | Japan Pearl Exporters Association Director Japan Pearl Export and Processing Cooperative Association Director Japan Jewelers Association Managing Director |
Founded | 1963 |
Established | 1984 |
Incorporation | 2006 |
Capital | 18 million yen |
Affiliated Organization | Japan Jewelry Association Japan Pearl Exporters Association Japan Pearl Export and Processing cooperative Association Kobe Pearl Club Cooperative Association Japan Jewelers Association Tahiti Pearl Promotion Society of Japan Ise Pearl Auction Japan Pearl Broking Cooperative Association Japan Pearl Accessory Cooperative Association Shinmei Pearl culture Cooperative Association Funakoshi Pearl culture Cooperative Association、etc |
Subsidiaries | EIKO PEARL (HONG KONG) LTD. |

Together with EIKO PEARL, towards the world.
Straightforwardly with sincerity. Your challenges shape the future.

Domestic Sales

Overseas Sales


Domestic Sales

Overseas Sales

Sourcing pearls globally through unique procurement channels.
Processed with skilled expertise and sold in over 30 countries.
We participate in international jewelry exhibitions held both domestically and overseas.
You can check the annual exhibition schedule here.