Since our establishment in 1963, spanning over 60 years, we have solidified our position in the pearl industry as professionals.
Through strong partnerships with farmers, we've established unique sourcing channels, ensuring stable quality through reliable processing techniques.
Providing pearl products to buyers in over 30 countries worldwide, we strive daily to enhance the beauty of Japanese pearls.
EIKO PEARL is committed to fulfilling its mission of spreading the brilliance of pearls across the globe in the years to come.
We participates in international jewelry exhibitions held both domestically and internationally, such as in Tokyo, Yokohama, Kobe, and Hong Kong. Please take a moment to review our annual exhibition schedule.
EXHIBITIONWe sincerely thank you for your enthusiastic participation.Thanks to your support, the opening exhibition of 2025 turned out to be a great success.This year, we will strive even harder to let “Eiko Pearls” bring brilliance to your lives.We look forward...
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who attended once again. Thanks to your support, the exhibition was a great success and very well received.
Thank you for visiting.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who attended once again. Thanks to your support, the exhibition was a great success and very well received.
The exhibition was a great success. We sincerely thank all the attendees for visiting.
The exhibition was very successful with many visitors from the first day. Thank you very much.
Thank you for visiting.
Thank you for visiting.
Thank you for visiting.
Thank you for visiting.
"Together with EIKO PEARL, towards the world"
With sincerity and straight ahead. Your challenges will change the future.
Remote business with the same level of quality as in-person.
Always update our product information.